A lot of people ignore buying accident insurance, mainly because they don’t understand the importance of the cover. But, you must think about the safety and security of your family and how can they sustain themselves financially if something untoward happens to you. If you get involved in an accident that leads to death or disability, it would have an impact on your income. If you have any liability like home loan, it would be difficult for the family members to meet the expenses. Besides, you must also take care of the treatment cost. To avoid putting your family in such a financially distressed situation, you must invest in the best accident insurance.
Get Personal Accidental Cover Of 100000/- at only 100/- Rs
Documents required
- Aadhar card: …
- Proof of identity:
- Proof of residence:
- Family details: …
- Pan Card
- Bank account details: ..
Personal accident insurance is useful to get the financial assistance to you and your family in the event of an accident that leads to death, bodily injuries, temporary total disability, permanent total disability and permanent partial disability. In the event of death, the insurance company will pay 100% compensation (equal to the sum assured) to the appointed nominee. Also, the insurance companies offer compensation for an accident disability such as loss of speech, limbs and eyes.
Before, we look at the different aspects of accident insurance; let us look at some alarming statistics related to it.
- In India, reports suggest that more than 1200 accidents occur every day.
- As per the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, in 2017 alone, more than 4.64 lakh accidents were reported and nearly 1.47 lakh people died due to road accidents.
- In 2018, as per the reports, there was a rise of 1.68% in the number of accidents reported
Important information
- Get PA Accidental Insurance in just 1 day